Sitecore Data Exchange Framework comes with a lot of ready to use functionalities for interacting with items, xConnect and SQL databases. Recently, I've been working on a pipeline involving reading data from items and sending it to an external endpoint.
When everything was ready and working fine on my local instance, I committed my changes and merged the branch so it could be deployed to a test environment hosted in Azure.
After the deployment, I wanted to test the functionality on a Sitecore instance different than my own. Unfortunately, it did not work. The upside is that Sitecore provides an easy way to review the logs for a given pipeline batch:

After looking at the log, the culprit was clear immediately:

No items were found by the Read Sitecore Items pipeline step. The processor is implemented in Sitecore.DataExchange.Providers.Sc.dll
so I had a look inside. The first thing I noticed is that Content Search is used to read items under selected root with given templates.
The first thing I did was a reindex of all the indexes, but that did not help. I thought that maybe the search provider is to blame as my local instance uses Solr, whereas the test environment utilizes Azure Search. Through Azure Portal, I opened the corresponding Application Insights and ran a query to find the query that was used by Sitecore:

Fortunately, Sitecore logs the whole query string, which can then be used in Azure Search explorer (also available in Azure Portal):

So the Azure Search was working, the query returned the documents I wanted, the problem had to be somewhere else. I dived deeper into Sitecore's code and found that the search was performed in an IItemModelRepository
implementation InProcItemModelRepository
, but before returning the results of the query, the retrieved Item
s were converted to ItemModel
s in Sitecore.DataExchange.Local.Repositories.InProcItemModelRepository.ConvertResults
At the beginning of the said function there is an if, which immediately looked suspicious to me:
public virtual List<ItemModel> ConvertResults(Item[] items, IEnumerable<SearchFilter> searchFilters)
List<ItemModel> itemModelList = new List<ItemModel>();
if (this.IsRunInCloud())
As I was using a local Solr instance on my local Sitecore environment, the condition caused a different piece of code to be executed on the test environment.
public virtual List<ItemModel> ConvertResults(Item[] items, IEnumerable<SearchFilter> searchFilters)
List<ItemModel> itemModelList = new List<ItemModel>();
if (this.IsRunInCloud())
foreach (Item obj in items)
bool flag = true;
foreach (SearchFilter searchFilter in searchFilters)
if (obj == null || obj[searchFilter.FieldName] == null || obj[searchFilter.FieldName] != searchFilter.Value)
flag = false;
if (flag)
ItemModel itemModel = obj.GetItemModel();
if (itemModel != null)
foreach (Item obj in items)
ItemModel itemModel = obj.GetItemModel();
if (itemModel != null)
return itemModelList;
As it turns out, on environments where Azure Search is used, the search filters are applied after retrieving the items. The problem is that ReadSitecoreItemsStepProcessor
adds a filter for TemplateID
ItemSearchSettings settings = new ItemSearchSettings();
foreach (Guid templateId in readSitecoreItemModelsSettings.TemplateIds)
settings.SearchFilters.Add(new SearchFilter()
FieldName = "TemplateID",
Value = templateId.ToString()
Therefore, all results are filtered out in the ConvertResults
method, as items do not have a TemplateID
field by default.
To fix this, I wrote a custom IItemModelRepository
implementation which inherited the InProcItemModelRepository
class. The only difference was in the ConvertResults
function, where I added a proper way to check the template Id:
public class InProcItemModelRepository : Sitecore.DataExchange.Local.Repositories.InProcItemModelRepository
public override List<ItemModel> ConvertResults(Item[] items, IEnumerable<SearchFilter> searchFilters)
var itemModelList = new List<ItemModel>();
if (IsRunInCloud())
foreach (var item in items)
var valid = true;
foreach (var searchFilter in searchFilters)
// Items do not have a field called `TemplateID`
if (searchFilter.FieldName == "TemplateID")
var templateId = new ID(searchFilter.Value);
valid = item?.TemplateID == templateId;
else if (item?[searchFilter.FieldName] == null || item[searchFilter.FieldName] != searchFilter.Value)
valid = false;
if (valid)
var itemModel = item.GetItemModel();
if (itemModel != null)
itemModelList.AddRange(items.Select(item => item.GetItemModel()).Where(itemModel => itemModel != null));
return itemModelList;
Patching in the custom class was easy, as it is created from configuration during DEF's initialization pipeline:
namespace Sitecore.DataExchange.Local.Pipelines.Loader
public class InitializeDataExchange
public void Process(PipelineArgs args)
Sitecore.DataExchange.Context.Logger = Factory.CreateObject("dataExchange/logger", true) as ILogger;
Sitecore.DataExchange.Context.ItemModelRepository = Factory.CreateObject("dataExchange/itemModelRepository", true) as IItemModelRepository;
Sitecore.DataExchange.Context.TenantRepository = Factory.CreateObject("dataExchange/tenantRepository", true) as ITenantRepository;
Sitecore.DataExchange.Context.PipelineBatchLoggerService = Factory.CreateObject("dataExchange/pipelineBatchLoggerService", true) as IPipelineBatchLoggerService;
Which means that replacing the default ItemModelRepository
requires only one simple configuration file:
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<itemModelRepository type="Sitecore.DataExchange.Local.Repositories.InProcItemModelRepository, Sitecore.DataExchange.Local">
<patch:attribute name="type">Foundation.DataExchange.InProcItemModelRepository, Foundation.DataExchange</patch:attribute>
Et voilà!
Cover photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash